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What is an investment product?
Investment products come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. What is right for the customer often depends on their appetite for risk, and the period of time over which their money is available for investment. To help understand all these options, financial advisers are often used to ensure the investment matches the customer’s needs. Unfortunately, not all advisers provide the independent advice we are looking for, advice given may not have been customised to your circumstances and needs.
If you have found yourself disappointed with the results of an investment you were advised to take, we may be able to help. Our experts provide a professional bespoke service to check if the investment that you were recommended was suitable to your circumstances and needs. We judge every case on its own merits and a dedicated claims manager will go through the whole process with you.
We cover a wide range of stock market related investments including –
OEIC/Unit Trusts
Investment Bonds
With-Profits Investment Bonds
Investment Portfolios
Structured products – Guaranteed Stock Market Bonds
Capital Protected Investment
Regular Savings Plans
If you feel this has affected you, contact us on 01392 574376 or complete the request a callback to discuss how Rightside could assist you. Alternatively, speak to an agent through our live chat.
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I able to claim if I made money from the investment? Yes, the investment recommended may not have matched your attitude to risk and therefore may not have been best suited to you.
What if my investment is ongoing? That is not a problem, we look into both ongoing investments and investments that have been surrendered/matured.
I withdrew my investment 5 years ago, is there a time limit to when I am able to complain? There are time limits, although this will vary depending upon your specific situation.
Some of my portfolio lost money, am I able to claim this back? We judge every case on its own merits, to understand whether you are able to claim this back you would need to talk to one of our expert advisers.
My investment lost money, what do I do next? We can help review the advice you were given to make sure the advice was suitable, if it wasn’t we can start a complaint on your behalf.
I've had my investment looked into before for mis-selling, can I have it looked into again? No unfortunately not, once a case has been investigated we cannot look into this again.
I've attempted to investigate my investment complaint myself and have been given FOS rights, can you take this case on? Yes, if it’s within 6 months of the final decision date given by your provider.
£3 Million
Redress paid for investment complaints*
Proportion of investment complaints upheld*
Average redress for investment complaints*
*figures based on FCA statistics for the period Jan-Jun 2018
How to get started

Complete a short online form or call us on 01392 574376

Talk to an expert adviser to discuss your potential claim

We will send you an information pack for you to return